We rehearse from 7.30 to 9.30pm on Wednesday evenings in term time from September to mid-June.
We enjoy a teabreak half way through the evening. To be more environmentally friendly members are encouraged to bring their own mug each week for their tea and coffee.
We hold a weekly raffle and also other fundraising events durng the year.
£190 per year - payable in one payment in
September, or two instalments of
£120 (winter season) and £70 (summer season)
This fee includes the cost of the two additional pre-concert rehearsals.
Music is available to hire and/or buy at a small additional cost. Practise resources are also available.
Charity of the Year:
This year we will be supporting the work that the Family Support Network does for neurodiverse children and their familes.
The choir is very sociable and enjoys getting together several times a year at a variety of social events.
Concert Dress Code:
Long black skirts or trousers, black tops with medium to long sleeves, red or gold Phoenix scarf, black tights and black shoes, discreet jewellery and small black handbags.
Formal dress (black tie - formal dinner jacket). Red or gold Phoenix bow-tie.
Scarves and bow-ties are provided free of charge for members for the duration of their membership.
Phoenix music folders are available to buy.
Winter Season:
Wednesday 3rd September ~ Rehearsals begin
Wednesday 18th Finish for Christmas
Wednesday 8th January Rehearsals resume
Saturday 1st February CONCERT
Afternoon rehearsal in church Concert ~ 7.30pm arrive by 7.05pm All Saints' Church
Summer Season:
February 12th - June 11th
Easter Break: 16th April
Saturday 7th June: CONCERT TBC
Afternoon rehearsal in church ~ Time tba: Concert ~ 7.30pm
Out of consideration for fellow singers, members are requested not to attend rehearsals if unwell with covid type symptoms or with any other illnesses while they're contagious. This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.