~ we would be delighted to welcome you.
Phoenix Choir aims to present performances of the highest quality to audiences in Eastbourne, with professional soloists and orchestras. These performances cost more than can possibly be met by box office income alone, if ticket prices are to remain affordable to all.
By becoming a Friend you will be helping the choir continue to deliver the great programmes that audiences have come to expect from us whilst also helping local, live, classical music to flourish. The choir very much appreciates the loyal support and commitment that our Friends make.
For an annual single subscription of £15, or a double membership of £25, you will receive the following benefits for Phoenix Choir concerts:
* a £2 discount off the ticket price (Does not extend to multiple purchase of tickets.)
* Reserved seating
* Free programme
* Advance notice of concerts and the review sent to you (preferably via email)
* Your name in the Friends section of each concert programme.
* The opportunity to attend our Post-concert drinks.
If you’d like to know more please use the Contact Box below to contact
Julia Thomas, Secretary of Phoenix Friends.